There are many times when it is best to replace your shoes. While it makes sense to get the most wear out of them to justify the cost, that isn’t always wise. If shoes are causing problems for you, it is best to get rid of them. Something that fits better, offers more comfort, or helps your feet be healthier is a wise investment.

Too Tight

Adults tend to wear the same size of shoe for the rest of their life. However, if the shoes you have are too tight, you may have the wrong size. Perhaps you need a wide width instead of regular. Before you buy any more shoes, have a professional measure for you and determine the correct size. Strive to buy shoes later in the day too as the feet will swell up during the day. Buying them in the afternoon ensures they won’t be too tight when you slip them on the next morning.

Your feet can change as you get older, and that influences the correct size. Health issues can cause your feet to swell. If you experience corns, calluses, or bunions, there is a good chance your shoes are too tight. A larger size can offer you more comfort. Don’t go too big though or the friction when you move can cause blisters. They should fit snugly but not squeeze your toes, your heels, or the sides of your feet.

Signs of Wear

The quality of shoes and how frequently you wear them will influence how long they last. Examine your shoes regularly to look for signs of wear. Don’t wear the same shoes all the time either. Rotate what you put on to give your feet a chance to adjust to different forms. If one of your shoes wears faster than the other, custom devices can be created by a professional. This will extend the life of your shoes.

It will also improve balance, reduce foot pain, and if you have back pain it can help with that too. Shoes that wear unevenly are an indicator you should schedule a consultation with a foot specialist. Other signs of wear including waves instead of a flat place for your foot, stitching coming apart, or holes in your shoes are all reasons to replace them due to wear.

Shoes you wear for walking or to the gym regularly should be replaced every six months. If you keep track of miles, replace them every 500 miles!

Your Feet Hurt when you Wear them

Some pairs of shoes are just more comfortable than others. That is why we wear them more frequently. No matter how great shoes look, don’t continue to wear them if your feet hurt when you do. Evaluate what is taking place. If they just need to be broken in, wear them for short periods of time around the house or when you run errands.

If they are too tight, ditch them for something that fits better. You may need to look at different brands of shoes to find comfort, support, and the look you want. Don’t rush the shoe buying process. Don’t be tempted to buy cheaply made shoes either. Your feet are worth the investment for those made from quality materials.

Excessive Sweating in them

When shoes aren’t breathable, the feet will sweat in them. This causes odors to your feet and shoes. It can create conditions for athlete’s foot to develop. It may be your socks should be changed to breathable cotton ones. If your shoes aren’t allowing air to circulate, it is time to replace them with a better option. If you develop chronic athlete’s foot, your shoes may be part of the problem.

Loss of Traction

Good tread on the bottom of a pair of shoes helps with traction. When that starts to wear away, you are vulnerable to slips or falls. Inspect the bottom of your shoes regularly. If you notice the groves in the bottom are getting flat, replace the shoes before you fall! Higher quality shoes have better tread on them.